You have to be really brave if you would like to find your inner self and quiet your inner mind.

As you probably know, life can be really hard.

It’s not easy to be self-conscious if your world is collapsing because something terrible happened.When you go through a trauma, give yourself time to grieve! Allow yourself to feel anger, sadness, disappointment and pain. The negative emotions are not pleasant but if you suppress them you will feel worse in the long run.For example, if you are physically sick, you possibly don’t go to work but stay at home. You lie in the bed and take some medicine. You sleep a lot, drink tea and eat healthy foods. In this case, your recovery will be relatively short.

But if you force yourself to go to work and do the chores, you will suffer more. Your body won’t have time to heal itself and you will be sick for a longer time.This rule applies to your soul, too. Self-awareness is about letting yourself to go through your negative emotions. It’s also a great way to quiet your inner mind.

After you grieved enough, you should pick the broken pieces of your life. It’s not easy at all, but you must keep in mind that the trauma you experienced happened for a reason. You will understand everything later and you can experience the state of self-awareness.The funny thing is that you can decide which shatter you want to keep and which one you want to let go of.If you are confused, please make 3 list for the “pieces of your life”.

  • On the first list there will be the people, activities, places etc. you want to be a part of your life.
  • On the second list there will be the people, activities, places etc. you don’t know if you would like to keep around yourself. Please put this list into your drawer. Read it in every month and decide if these people, activities, places should be in your life or not. This can be a long process.
  • On the third list there will be the people, activities, places etc. you definitely don’t want to be the part of your life.

Ask yourself what makes you happy.

  •  you always wanted to try diving? Go for it!
  •  you would like to know what it feels like to write music? Try it!
  • If you don’t have any idea what you should do then just pick some random activities and try them.

Sooner or later, you will find something you really like.You are going to feel that you stepped into your Inner Thimble. You are closer to you inner core than you were before you experienced trauma.

Traumas are incredibly painful but on the other hand, they have a huge advantage. You can start your life from zero and you can build the life for yourself you always wanted to have.The losses offer you a way to realize what you want to do with your life and what not.After a while, you will find your inner balance again. Your inner mind will be still. Your life will never be the same again, but maybe in some ways it will be much better than it was before you experienced a trauma.

Don’t forget: if you step into your Inner Thimble, you can live your life very authentically and it’s crucial for your happiness. Self-awareness will also help you to achieve your goals.

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Central Market Hall - not only beautiful, but also full of Hungarian delicacies

Sun Jun 2 , 2024
The Central Market Hall in Budapest, also known as the Great Market Hall, has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century. Designed […]
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